Monday, 14 October 2013

Understanding Cisco®‘s new Certification Path

Cisco® announced their new certification paths on March 25th, 2013. The CCNA is no longer a prerequisite to all other certification paths; however, the CCENT (ICND1) is now the prerequisite to most tracks. At first, the CCENT would seem to provide an inadequate foundation, but Cisco® has really up’d their technology in the CCENT area! No longer is it an easy introduction to networking with some Cisco® routing and switching. We’re talking about a serious update to the CCENT!
The new CCENT exam covers the usual OSI, TCP/IP, subnetting, etc… but the depth of knowledge is much greater after that! VLANs, IVR, IPv6, EIGRP and OSPF are all new CCENT objectives and were covered previously only on the CCNA!
Cisco® has removed the following from the CCENT:
  • Securing the network
  • Understanding challenges of shared LANs
  • Solving Network Challenges with Switched LAN Technologies
  • Wireless LAN’s
  • Using Cisco® SDM
  • Configuring Serial Encapulation
  • Enabling RIP
Topics Added to the ICND1 Exam:
  • Implmenting VLSM
  • Scaling the Network wtih NAT and PAT
  • Managing Traffic Using ACL’s
  • Implementing VLAN’s and Trunks
  • Routing between VLAN’s
  • Implementing Single Area OSPF
  • Introducing Basic IPv6
  • Understanding IPv6
  • Configurating IPv6 Routing
    this means


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